Ergonomics and Human Factors: Strategic Solutions for Workplace Safety and Health > 기타안내

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No. 7

Ergonomics and Human Factors: Strategic Solutions for Workplace Safety…

페이지 정보

작성일2015-06-11 작성자작성자 : 대한인간공학회 조회조회 : 767


Ergonomics and Human Factors:
Strategic Solutions for Workplace Safety and Health

October 5–9, 2015 • Boston, MA

Program fee

Human Factors and Ergonomics Program Overview

Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are a leading cause of employee injury and illness across industries and occupations. Fortunately, work-related MSDs and their associated costs can be prevented through the effective application of ergonomic principles.

This applied program brings together professionals from across industries and sectors to prevent work-related musculoskeletal disorders and improve workplace health and safety through ergonomics. Ergonomics and Human Factors explores both the technical skills required to perform job assessments and the organizational factors which contribute to successful ergonomics programs.

Participants will complete this program ready to control health and performance problems through ergonomic interventions, optimize their organization’s ergonomics program, and improve employee health and safety.

Improve Employee Health and Safety

With a focus on improving worker health and safety, this program offers practical advice for implementing and optimizing workplace ergonomics programs. In addition, the technical skills required for occupational ergonomic interventions are explored through lectures, group work, and in-depth discussions. This course is unique in considering both the public health and industry perspectives.

(사)대한인간공학회사업자등록번호 : 209-82-04628대표자 : 김상호 (06132) 서울특별시 강남구 테헤란로 25길 20, 614호 (역삼동, 역삼현대벤쳐텔) Tel. 02-568-2995Fax. 02-6455-2994Email.

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