IEA Newsbriefs (2024년 5월) > 공지사항

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No. 231

IEA Newsbriefs (2024년 5월)

페이지 정보

작성일2024-06-18 작성자작성자 : 최고관리자 조회조회 : 591





May 2024



The countdown to the IEA2024 Triennial Congress continues. A mere two months away, it is all systems go and the IEA and conference organisers cannot wait to welcome you to Jeju, South Korea. In addition to the IEA2024 Congress, the global HFE community is spoilt for choice in terms of events, and access to various HFE resources and platforms for information exchange and collaboration, details of which are included in this edition of the IEA NewsBriefs. Check out the announcements and join us in congratulating the winners of various IEA awards. We are grateful to all the contributors and are looking forward to receiving your HFE updates, which can be forwarded to




IEA2024 Triennial Congress

The congress organisers accepted over 1000 submissions for scientific presentations and special sessions. All submissions should have received a response by now. Early bird registration closes 30th June and anyone who has not registered by this date risks having their paper withdrawn from publication so we urge you to do it quickly. ( )



We have many 2024 awardees to celebrate. Please join us at the Awards Ceremony at IEA2024, Tuesday, August 27 at the banquet hall to celebrate and recognize the achievements of these outstanding awardees. Additional awardees will be announced in the next IEA NewsBriefs.



The IEA Fellow Award recognizes extraordinary or sustained, superior accomplishments of an individual over the course of a career. To be considered for this award, the candidate must have been a long-term member in good standing of an IEA member society and must demonstrate outstanding contributions and service to the human factors/ergonomics community at an international level. The 2024 Fellows are as follows:


·      Dr. Caroline Cao, United States

·      Dr. Chia-Fen (Christine) Chi, Taiwan

·      Prof. Dr. Ing. Neri Dos Santos, Brazil

·      Dr. Carlos Espejo, Mexico

·      Dr. Francisco Fialho, Brazil

·      Dr. Sean Gallagher, USA

·      Prof. Eui S. Jung, Korea

·      Annie Weill-Fassina, France

·      Prof. Wei Zhang, China



1.        New Award - Thomas R. Waters MSD Memorial Scholarship Award. Thomas R. Waters was a scientist at NIOSH and was the mastermind behind the NIOSH Revised Equation for the Design and Evaluation of Manual Lifting Tasks. 2024 is the first presentation of this award and the monetary prize of $3000.

The 2024 Thomas R. Waters MSD Memorial Scholarship Award awardee is Rahul Narasimhan, Clemson University, USA


2.        The IEA/Elsevier John Wilson Award is presented in honour of John Wilson (1951-2013), Professor of Human Factors at the University of Nottingham, He was the co-Editor-in-Chief of Applied Ergonomics, former president of the IEHF (now CIEHF), and long-term affiliate with the IEA. The award recognizes major contributions in the field of applied ergonomics and has a monetary prize of $5000.

The 2024 IEA/Elsevier John Wilson Award recipient is Dr. Tarcisio A. Saurin, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil


3.        The KU Smith Student Award provides a tangible means by which the IEA can encourage the development of the discipline, foster scholarship, and recognize worthy achievements. The purpose of the award is to honour a deserving student responsible for an application of or contribution to ergonomics. Awardees receive $3000 + travel support to present their papers at a special session in the Triennial Congress.

The 2024 KU Smith Award recipients are

·      Soomin Hyun, Seoul National University, South Korea

·      Sameneh Norouzi, Tarbiat Modares University, Iran

·      Kaitlyn L. Dallas, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA


4.        IEA Triennial Outstanding Educators Award is presented triennially to persons in recognition of outstanding contributions in the area of human factors/ergonomics education for having developed ergonomics education programs, introduced new methodology and/or materials for teaching human factors/ergonomics, and/or graduated persons who have become outstanding human factors/ergonomics researchers and practitioners.

The 2024 IEA Triennial Outstanding Educators Award recipient is Denny Yu, Purdue University, USA


5.        IEA Award for Promotion of Ergonomics in Developing Countries is given triennially to an individual(s) who has made significant and outstanding contributions to the development of infrastructure of human factors/ergonomics in an industrially developing country.

The 2024 IEA Award for Promotion of Ergonomics in Developing Countries recipient is Prof. Alireza Choobineh, School of Health, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Iran.


6.        The IEA President’s Award is presented triennially to persons who have made outstanding contributions to ergonomics or the furthering of ergonomics. Persons qualifying for this award do not necessarily have to be human factors/ergonomics professionals.

The 2024 IEA President’s Award recipient is Prof. Juan Carlos Velásquez, Universidad del Valle, Colombia


Reminder: IEA Officer nominations


This is a reminder to send your nominations for the IEA President, Vice President/Secretary General, and Vice President/Treasurer to, preferably by 30 June 2024, although the By-laws allow late applications up to the time of voting.  Elections will be conducted at the Council meeting that will be held on the 24th and 25th of August, 2024, in Jeju, in conjunction with the IEA 2024 Triennial Congress. Information regarding the elections, eligibility, and duration of tenure, as extracted from IEA By-laws (2017), is provided below:


Article 2. Elections, eligibility, and duration of tenure


(1)  Election

The Council elects the Officers. Elections are conducted at the Council meeting held in conjunction with the Triennial Congress.

(2)  Eligibility

To be eligible for an Office, a candidate must be a member of a Federated Society and either has served previously on the Council or be the current representative. A candidate should have demonstrated service to the IEA and continuity of attendance at the Council meetings. In addition, a candidate for the President should have served at least one term on the Executive Committee. An individual who has served two terms as the Secretary General or as the Treasurer, or has served one term in each office, is also eligible to be a candidate for the President.

(3)  Tenure

The term of office for the Officers is approximately three years, in phase with the Triennial Congresses. The maximum service is one term for the President and two terms for the Secretary-General, and Treasurer.


Transition of leadership takes place at the closing ceremony of the Triennial Congress, following the Council meeting at which the Officers are elected.


IEA Technical Core Competencies of Human Factors and Ergonomics available in German


The IEA is pleased to announce that the "Core Competencies of Human Factors and Ergonomics" has been translated into German, published and is available from the IEA website ( along with the translations into Japanese, Spanish and Farsi. Portuguese and French translations are currently in progress. Volunteers for preparing other translations are welcome.


ICOH, IEA & IOHA renew collaboration


During the Triennial Congress of the International Commission on Occupational Health held in Marrakesh, Morocco, from 28th April to 3rd May, the International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH) renewed its collaboration agreement with the International Ergonomics Association and the International Occupational Hygiene Association (IOHA).

The MOU was signed by the Presidents, Prof. Seong Kyu Kang for ICOH, Dr Samantha Connell, MSPH, CIH for IOHA and Prof. Jose Orlando Gomes for the IEA. This is the third such agreement, and its renewal reinforces the willingness of these three internationally significant professional associations representing occupational physicians, hygienists, and Human Factors and Ergonomics specialists, who are active in workplace health and safety protection. We look forward to continuing the work together, particularly the plans to hold a joint Congress on informal work in Colombia in 2026.


Official recognition of ergonomics in Brazil

The Associação Brasileira de Ergonomia e Fatores Humanos (ABERGO), an IEA federated society, recently achieved a significant milestone where years of hard work led to the title “Ergonomist” being introduced into the list of recognised occupations in Brazil. The title applies to people with tertiary-level qualifications and specialisation in HFE in alignment with the IEA-endorsed certification system of Brazil. This is not the first time that ABERGO successfully managed to advance the HFE discipline in Brazil. In 2022, ABERGO played a significant role in getting laws passed to obligate employers to conduct “ergonomic” risk assessments and design appropriate prevention interventions. We congratulate all who have worked long and hard to achieve this great step for our profession, the health and well-being of Brazilian workers, and their performance in companies.




Webinar: Kansei Engineering and Usability: Saturday 8th June 07h00 UTC

This webinar will discuss the integration of cognitive and affective aspects into the design of products for measuring usability through empirical studies in the context of Tablet PCs, e-learning and e-commerce. The webinar will discuss the investigation of cognitive and affective factors that impact the usability of e-commerce websites selling consumer products. The use of eye tracking analysis will be explained to emphasize concerns related to comfortable display characteristics. The 60 minute webinar has been organised by the Affective Design Technical Committee of the IEA. The presenter will be Prof. Heru Prastawa.

To register click here.


Webinar: The future of work and the challenges for HFE from Eastern Europe: 18 June 2024, 10h00 UTC

The next webinar in the very popular “Future of Work” series will explore Eastern European perspectives on the possible challenges and opportunities that may arise in the future and the anticipated role of HFE in the ever-evolving world of work. To attend this free webinar, register using the link provided here:


Webinar: Emerging Researchers and Practitioners in Human Factors in Healthcare: 10 July 2024, 15h00 (UTC)

The fifth and final webinar in the emerging researchers and practitioners in HFE in healthcare series will take place on the 10th of July 2024 at 15:00 (UTC). This webinar series aims to showcase Human Factors in Healthcare done by Early Career Researchers and Practitioners (ECR/Ps) across the IEA network. The best presenter of the 2023-2024 webinar series will win the inaugural Richard Cook prize.

Register here to attend:


Webinar: Ergonomics and Human Factors in the Informal Work Sector: 18 July 2024, 13h00 UTC

The informal sector is a major contributor to economic development and is estimated to employ over 60% of the global workforce. With the informal sector set to expand, there is a growing need to find ways to further support informal work from an HFE perspective. The IEA Technical Committee on Informal Work is excited to introduce the webinar series on Ergonomics and Human Factors in the Informal work sector. The purpose of the first webinar in this series will be to provide an introduction to the topic of informal work followed by researchers from around the world sharing ergonomics-related perspectives, case examples, and challenges arising in the informal sector. To attend this free webinar, register using this link:


Certificates of Participation at IEA Webinars

The trial to give certificates to participants attending IEA webinars continues. To get the certificates it is necessary to participate online and answer a couple of relatively easy questions related to the content immediately following the live presentation. This is to check that the participation actually took place.

At the moment we are not offering certificates for viewing the presentations via YouTube afterwards but all of the IEA webinars have been recorded and are available for those who missed them live. A link is at the bottom of the NewsBriefs.





In the last NewsBriefs, introduced the spotlight on IEA Technical Committees (TCs) feature, which aims to raise awareness about various HFE issues that TCs focus on while also showcasing some of the initiatives, events, and opportunities for collaboration and networking that are provided by IEA TCs. The first IEA Technical Committee to be featured is the Musculoskeletal Disorder (MSD) TC.


Importance of the MSD TC

MSDs comprise over 150 different conditions that affect muscles, ligaments, nerves, tendons, joints, cartilage, spinal discs, and bones across various parts of the human body. They affect people in various age groups and have a multifactorial aetiology. While much research has been conducted over the years to help industries understand the contributory factors and to provide tools to assess and better manage MSDs, they remain one of the most prevalent conditions affecting worker health while costing organisations in terms of lost production, medical costs, and compensation.


The IEA MSD TC mission is to “collect, review and share methods, “best” practices and “best experiences” for risk assessment and management of WMSDs, including aspects related to job/task design and to workplace/work tools design”. The IEA MSD TC has over the years been working tirelessly to raise awareness about MSDs to bring to the fore updated information about MSDs and to dispel myths that continue to be a hurdle in the proactive management of MSDs.


The MSD TC has various working groups that focus on numerous aspects of MSD prevention and management. These include the following:

·      Science

·      Tools and standards

·      ISO standards

·      Health inequalities and MSDs

·      Policy issues of continuous worker monitoring

·      Technical exposure measurements


Overview of MSD TC Activities

Some of the activities that the IEA MSD TC is involved in include the following:

·      Growing the MSD prevention community by focusing on PhD students, and practitioners, and working on increasing the number of countries represented in the TC membership profile

·      Engaging and informing the MSD prevention community through organising and hosting meetings, events, and forums for discussing

·      Coordinating the dissemination of resources and research on assessment and management of MSDs in workplaces. Find out more about these resources here:

·      Expanding the impact of MSD pre

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