IEA Newsbriefs (2024년 6월) > 공지사항

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No. 232

IEA Newsbriefs (2024년 6월)

페이지 정보

작성일2024-07-17 작성자작성자 : 최고관리자 조회조회 : 492





June 2024


As we edge ever closer to the IEA2024 Congress, there is still an opportunity for you to register to attend! Further details are provided in the update of the IEA2024 in this edition. In this issue, we also provide an update on the outcome of a recent collaboration between the IEA and the African network of HFE societies, ErgoAfrica. There are also several HFE events taking place in July and a conference in December 2024 that is organised by the Indian Society of Ergonomics. In the Spotlight on IEA Technical Committees feature, we learn about the Ergonomics and Human Factors in Sustainability Technical Committee and the important work that they are doing to advance sustainable development in various contexts. As always, we thank you for sharing all your HFE updates with the global IEA community, and we look forward to receiving further updates that will interest our community.




IEA 2024 Congress


With the IEA Congress being only a few weeks away, it is all systems go! If you have not yet registered, you still have a chance to do so. Follow the easy 5-step registration process to secure your spot here We hope to see many of you in Jeju, South Korea, from 25-29 August 2024 but online participation is also possible. In the meantime, check out the conference keynote speakers here and look out for other conference updates on the conference website:





Congratulations to all of the 2024 awardees! Please join us at the Awards Ceremony at IEA2024, Tuesday, August 27 at the banquet hall to celebrate and recognize the achievements of these outstanding awardees. 


The IEA/Tsinghua Award for Collaborative Human Factors/Ergonomics Education honours leaders and facilitators of collaborative, programmatic HF/E education initiatives. This award includes a monetary prize of US $4,000 for each selected program. 

The 2024 IEA/Tsinghua awardee is:

Dr. Alan Chan, Chinese Ergonomics Society


The IEA/Kingfar Award for Research in Human Factors/Ergonomics Issues honours students and early career researchers. Its intent is to reward high-quality original research and applications on new and emerging HF/E issues or issues specifically related to industrially developing countries.  This award includes monetary prizes of US $1,000 for student awardees and US $1,500 for ECR awardees.


The 2024 IEA/Kingfar Student Awardees are:

Mingming Li, Chinese Ergonomics Society

Italo Rodeghiero Neto, Brazilian Association for Ergonomics

Claudia Maria Dias Guerra Disconzi, Brazilian Association for Ergonomics

Lucas Gomes Miranda Bispo, Brazilian Association for Ergonomics

Ezekiel Bernardo, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of the Philippines


The 2024 IEA/Kingfar Early Career Researcher Awardees are:

Dr. Geetashree Bori, Indian Society of Ergonomics

Dr. Yaqin Cao, Chinese Ergonomics Society

Dr. Peng Liu, Chinese Ergonomics Society

Dr. Farzan Sasangohar, USA

Dr. Mark Schall, USA


IEA collaborating with ErgoAfrica to build up HFE competence in Ghana, West Africa


Members of the IEA Executive Committee and ErgoAfrica network, Andrew Thatcher, Andrew Todd Augustine Appah Acquah (PhD) and Nelson Ekechukwu and ergonomics/human factors educators from the USA and Europe are working towards building up HFE educational resources in West Africa. Meetings were recently held at the University of Ghana, where plans were laid out for establishing an HFE Masters Degree program. This will serve as a model for the region and will be the first such program in Africa. This initiative emphasises regional leaders' commitment to improving working conditions through HFE. There was also the opportunity to give some hands-on training to physiotherapy students from the School of Public Health in measuring musculoskeletal loads. The IEA is indebted to our colleagues from ErgoAfrica and the University of Ghana for facilitating the meeting.




Humanizing Work and Work Environment (HWWE) Conference: 13-15 December 2024, Calcutta, India

The Indian Society of Ergonomics, a federated IEA society) is organising its annual Humanizing Work and Work Environment (HWWE 2024) which will be held from 13 to 15 December 2024 at the University of Calcutta in India. Under the theme: “Ergonomics for Everyone Future challenges in Health, Safety and Design”, the conference will put together a comprehensive program to shed light on how a future with optimal work environments that prioritise well-being and efficiency may be achieved. Some important conference dates related to abstract submission and registration are provided below.


Important Dates

Abstract Submission Due

15 August 2024

Communicate for Acceptance of Abstract

15 September 2024

Camera ready Paper Submission Due

15 October 2024

Early Bird Registration

Till 15 September 2024

For Regular Registration

From 16 September 2024


More information about the conference and registration process can be found here:


Event reminders

The list below contains previously advertised events that are taking place in July 2024. Please remember to register to attend and get hold of the recorded sessions on the IEA YouTube channel (


·      Ergonomics and Human Factors in the Informal Work Sector: 18 July 2024. 13h00 UTC. Registration link:




After featuring the Musculoskeletal Disorder Technical Committee in our previous issue, in this edition, we turn our focus to a global issue that affects all societies: sustainability. The Ergonomics and Human Factors in Sustainability TC was established to create an international platform and network for HFE professionals and experts in sustainability/ sustainable development to develop and advance effective ways that HFE can contribute to solving current and future sustainability needs of humans and society at large.



Ergonomics and Human Factors in Sustainability TC

Sustainability ergonomics is one of the areas that HFE professionals operate within to bring about systems-based approaches, methods and solutions to understand the state of the world and to raise awareness about the changes that need to be made to preserve and sustain humanity and the world. Through the application of HFE concepts and principles, the HFE discipline has predominantly contributed to the sustainability agenda from various perspectives, including the sustainable development of humans in workplaces. However, the same concepts also apply to other sustainable development objectives, including environmental, social and economic aspects. The work done by HFE professionals in sustainability continues to reinforce the need to use systems-based approaches and integrate multi-disciplinary perspectives to manage existing and emerging issues.


The formation of the Ergonomics and Human Factors in Sustainability TC was based on the need to advance sustainable development through HFE. The objectives that were set out for the Ergonomics and Human Factors in Sustainability TC were as follows:

·      To improve and increase the knowledge about the contribution of ergonomics to corporate, environmental, and societal sustainability concepts

·      To improve knowledge transfer from human factors/ergonomics to the academic community dealing with sustainable development

·      To strengthen the relationship between human factors specialists/ergonomists and other actors in this field

·      To promote ergonomics as a stakeholder-oriented approach

·      To promote the role of ergonomics in realising sustainable development to the public at large


Recognising that sustainable development is critical in various settings and applications, the Ergonomics and Human Factors in Sustainability TC created six sub-committees that cover various topics of interest in the sustainability and HFE agenda.  These include the following:

·      Sub-Committee 1: Theoretical Perspectives on Human Factors and Sustainable Development

·      Sub-Committee 2: Human Factors and Sustainable Development in Global Value Creation

·      Sub-Committee 3: Ergonomics and Design for Sustainability

·      Sub-Committee 4: Energy and Mobility

·      Sub-Committee 5: Sustainability in the Built Environment

·      Sub-Committee 6: Smart/Intelligent Systems


The details of the sub-committee focus areas can be found here:


Overview of Ergonomics and Human Factors in Sustainability TC Activities


In line with its objectives, some of the activities that the Ergonomics and Human Factors in Sustainability TC has completed include the following:

·      Organising and holding conferences/seminars/workshops including

·      Collaborating with the IEA2024 scientific committee to contribute to ensuring that the HFE in the sustainability stream is comprehensively represented

·      Creating opportunities for collaboration on publications. To access one of the products of this collaboration (Thatcher et al. (2002). Past, Present, and Future of E/HF for Sustainability: A Perspective from the HFSD Technical Committee. Work, vol. 73, no. s1, pp. S153-S167, DOI: 10.3233/WOR-211121) visit this website:

·      Coordinating special issue publications on various HFE in sustainable development. This includes a Special issue in the Applied Ergonomics journal (Elsevier), “E/HF for a sustainable, resilient, human-centred future”. The expected date of publication is January 2025

·      Participating in outreach activities


Ergonomics and Human Factors in Sustainability TC membership

If you want to learn more and contribute to the Ergonomics and Human Factors in Sustainability TC, please access the TC web page here: Individuals who would like to join the TC can register for free by using the form that can be found here:









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