IEA Newsbriefs (2024년 9월) > 공지사항

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No. 242

IEA Newsbriefs (2024년 9월)

페이지 정보

작성일2024-10-09 작성자작성자 : 최고관리자 조회조회 : 87





September 2024


An extremely successful 22nd Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association took place in Jeju, South Korea in August 2024. The Executive Committee would like to thank all those involved in organising and contributing to the success of this event. The September NewsBriefs includes an introduction to the new Executive Committee. The IEA global community would like to congratulate the new IEA officers and wish them luck for the next triennial term. The “Upcoming Events” section includes several HFE events taking place in the latter half of 2024. It includes information on ErgoWork2024 and two conferences taking place in December 2024. This edition also includes information about webinars taking place in October. In the Spotlight on IEA Technical Committees feature, we showcase the Informal Work Technical Committee and the valuable work that they are doing to apply HFE to improve safety, well-being and productivity and reduce musculoskeletal disorders in informal work-systems. 


We appreciate the ongoing support and commitment of the global IEA community, please continue to share updates that will be of interest to our community. Please send all updates to




IEA2024 Congress summary

The International Ergonomics Association (IEA) 2024 triennial Congress, held from August 24th to 29th in Jeju, South Korea, was a resounding success. The global IEA community would like to thank Sang-Ho Kim, the ESK President and Myung Hwan Jun, the IEA2024 Organising Chair for the hard work and dedication leading up to the event. The event featured 350 special sessions, including symposiums, panels, and keynotes and the presentation of 1,102 research papers, attracting over 1,600 participants from 55 countries globally. A key highlight was its collaboration with INCOSE HSI 2024, as well as the inclusion of the ISO TC 159 SC3 plenary session. The congress covered cutting-edge topics in ergonomics and human factors with the theme Better Life Ergonomics for Future Humans, fostering international cooperation and showcasing innovations in areas such as AI, safety, healthcare, and the future of HFE. The videos for all hybrid sessions and keynotes are available online if you are registered for the IEA2024 Congress. These may be viewed if you log into the IEA2024 site using your registration details.


IEA Executive Committee

A new Executive Committee has been formed following the International Ergonomics Associations’ 22nd Triennial Congress in Jeju South Korea. The new Executive Committee members are as follows: 


The newly elected President is Professor Andrew Thatcher. Professor Andrew Thatcher is the first President of the International Ergonomics Association from an African federated society. Prof. Andrew Thatcher is a Professor of Industrial/Organisational Psychology at the University of Witwatersrand in South Africa. His primary area of work involves Cognitive Ergonomics and Ergonomics for Sustainability.


For a second elected term, the Vice-President Treasurer is Professor Thomas Alexander. Professor Thomas Alexander is a Human Factors and Ergonomics Specialist from Germany. His primary areas of work include human factors and ergonomics, human-system-integration (HSI), human-computer-interaction (HCI), Digital Human Modelling (DHM), simulation and Product Life-cycle Management. 


The newly elected Vice-President Secretary General is Professor Nancy Black. Professor Nancy Black is a Professional Engineer specialising in Ergonomics and holds CPPE certification in Canada. Her primary areas of work include workplace design and workplace tool design to limit musculoskeletal disorder risk.


The chair of the Science, Technology and Practice Standing Committee is Professor Rosemary Seva. Professor Rosemary Seva is a Professor of Industrial Engineering in the Philippines. The Science, Technology, and Practice Standing Committee promotes and coordinates the exchange of scientific and technical information at the international level. 


The chair of the International Development Standing Committee is Professor Anindya Ganguli. Professor Anindya Ganguli is an expert and consultant in Ergonomics in India. His primary area of work includes design ergonomics, occupational ergonomics and standards. The International Development Standing Committee promotes, coordinates, and implements IEA policies and activities at a regional level to expand the reach of the IEA. It is particularly involved with initiatives supporting research, development, training, and conferences in industrially developing countries.


The chair of the Communications and Public Relations Standing Committee is Professor Martin Rodriguez. Professor Martin Rodriquez is an engineer in Argentina with specialised focus on safety, ergonomics and the environment. The Communications and Public Relations Standing Committee Standing Committee promotes awareness of the IEA and HFE on a global basis. It maintains interaction with international partner organisations, disseminates IEA-related information, assists in developing and distributing IEA publications, coordinates donations of educational materials related to HFE, and conducting any other relevant activities. 


The chair of the Development and Promotion Standing Committee is Professor Wei Zhang. Professor Wei Zhang is a Professor in Human Factors and Ergonomics in China. His primary area of work includes Driving Safety, Human-System Simulation and Virtual Reality. The Development and Promotion Standing Committee develops, and coordinates plans and proposals concerning IEA operation and structure and assists in development of policy recommendations to better serve the Federated Societies and the international ergonomics community. It is therefore relevant to the function and effectiveness of the IEA.


The chair of the Professional Standards and Education Standing Committee is Professor Verena Nitsch. Professor Verena Nitsch is a Professor at RWTH Aachen University in Germany and the Director of the Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics. Her primary area of work focus on the human-compatible design and optimization of socio-technical work-systems, particularly in the production and service industry. The Professional Standards and Education Standing Committee provides advice about ergonomics education and guidance on professional conduct. It promotes the development of and endorses professional certification bodies. 


The chairs of the IEA 2027 Organising Committee are Ben Peachey and Rebecca Charles. Ben Peachey is a Chief Executive at the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors in the United Kingdom. Rebecca Charles is an inspector of rail accidents at Rail Accident Investigation Branch in the Department of Transport in the United Kingdom. The IEA 2027 Organising Committee prepares the upcoming IEA triennial conference. The next conference will take place in the United Kingdom in 2027.


The chair of the Awards Standing Committee is the Immediate Past-President, Professor Jose Orlando Gomes from Brazil. The Awards Standing Committee is responsible for organising the formal recognition of members of the Federated Societies that have made outstanding contributions to the field of HFE on an international level. 


The outgoing officers, Prof. Jose Orlando Gomes, Dr. Maggie Graf and Dr. Thomas Alexander, would like to thank the other members of the IEA Executive 2021-2024 for their committed and highly productive work over the last three years. The IEA Triennial Report has been published onto the IEA website, so if you are interested in learning about the work that has been done in more detail, you can find the details in the report, along with further information about the IEA and HFE. 


Bereavement announcement: Prof. Dr. Klaus Zink

The International Ergonomics and Human Factors Association (IEA) mourns the death of Prof. Dr. Klaus Zink who passed away on Thursday 26 September 2024. Prof. Zink spent two separate terms in the IEA's Executive Committee including as Chair of the Policy and Development Standing Committee (2000-2003) and Vice-President Treasurer (2009-2012). In addition, he was Co-Chair on the IEA's Future of Work Task Force (2018-2021) and started and chaired the IEA's Human Factors and Sustainable Development Technical Committee (2009-2015). Prof. Zink also spent many years as the German-speaking ergonomics society representative on the IEA Council. He will be remembered for his long, passionate interest in improving the wellbeing of workers who were neglected by mainstream HFE, including in developing countries. His many awards included being elected an IEA Fellow, receiving the IEA Development Award and the IEA President's Award, the HFES Distinguished International Colleague Award, and an Order of Merit Award from the Federal Republic of Germany for the "design of human and sustainable work". We send our condolences to Prof. Zink's family, friends and colleagues at the Institute for Technology and Work (which he founded and where worked for many years).


If anyone would like to write a testimonial to Prof. Zink, we will include these in a forthcoming IEA NewsBriefs.




ErgoWork2024: 31st October – 1St November 2024, Bucharest, Romania

The International Biennial Congress (ErgoWork2024) is the 3rd International Conference of the Romanian Society on Ergonomics and Workplace management. ErgoWork2024 is taking place from the 31st of October to the 1st of November at the National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest, Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Robotics Splaiul Independentei 313, sector 6, 060042 Bucharest, Corp CD 003. Some important dates can be found below.


More information on the conference and registration process can be found here: 


10th International Ergonomics Conference – Ergonomics 2024: 5-6th December 2024, Zagreb, Croatia

The Croatian Ergonomics Society (CrES), a federated IEA society, is organising its 10th International Ergonomics Conference which will take place 5-6th December, 2024. The CrES will be celebrating 50 years since its founding during the conference and the IEA President will be there to celebrate with them. The conference will bring together enthusiasts, experts and scientists in the field and hopes to have 80 participants from around the world. The last call for abstract submissions is approaching. Some important dates for abstract and full paper submissions are provided below.


Important Dates

Final Full Paper Submission: 1 October 2024

Notification of Full Paper Acceptance: 1 November 2024

Conference Days 5-6: December 2024


More information about the conference and registration process can be found here:


Humanizing Work and Work Environment (HWWE) Conference: 13-15 December 2024, Kolkata, India

The Indian Society of Ergonomics, a federated IEA society, is organising its annual Humanizing Work and Work Environment (HWWE 2024) which will be held from 13 to 15 December 2024 at the University of Calcutta in India. Under the theme: “Ergonomics for Everyone Future challenges in Health, Safety and Design” the conference will put together a comprehensive program that aims to shed light on how a future with optimal work environments that prioritize well-being and efficiency may be achieved. Some of the important conference dates related to abstract submission and registration are provided below.


Important Dates

Regular registration: from 16 September 2024

Camera ready paper submission due: 15 October 2024


More information about the conference and registration process can be found here: 


Event reminders

The list below contains previously advertised events that are taking place in October 2024, please remember to register to attend and get hold of the recorded sessions on the IEA YouTube channel (


Linking practice and science in Visual Ergonomics: 18 October 2024, 07h00 UCT. Registration link: 

Human Factors at the core of collaborative intelligence application in safety critical systems: lessons learnt from the Marie Curie Project CISC: 24 October 2024, 18h00 – 19h00 (Rome time zone). Registration link: 

HFES Best Paper Award Webinar: “Body-Product Relationship for Aging Women Examined Through the Lens of Functional Anthropometry”: 2 October 2024, 18h00 (SAST). Registration link: 

HFES Best Paper Award Webinar: Adapting Cognitive Task Analysis Methods for Use in a Large Sample Simulation Study of High-Risk Healthcare Events: 16 October 2024, 18h00 (SAST). Registration link: 




After featuring the Safety and Health TC in our previous issue, in this edition we turn our focus to the Informal Work Technical Committee. The Informal Work TC was established to create a global platform and network for HFE professionals to support the development of HFE in the informal sector, particularly in low income countries (LICs). Despite the larger informal sector within low income countries, the sector is also growing in higher income countries (HICs).


Importance of the Informal Work TC

Informal Work is one of the areas that HFE experts, professionals and practitioners operate within to bring about systems-based approaches, methods and solutions to improve well-being, productivity and address musculoskeletal disorders in informal work systems. The ILO estimates that more than 60% of the work performed worldwide consists of informal work. Through the application of HFE concepts and principles, the HFE discipline has been contributing to the Informal Work agenda in various ways. The work done by HFE professionals in the Informal Work TC continues to reinforce the need to use systems-based approaches and to integrate multi-disciplinary perspectives to manage existing and emerging issues within the informal sector. 


The formation of the Informal Work TC was based on the need advance safety, health, well-being and productivity through HFE within the informal sector. The aims that were set out for the Informal Work TC are as follows:


  • Support the development of tools adapted to address musculoskeletal disorders in the informal sector
  • Foster research collaboration between HICs and LICs
  • Promote/facilitate exchange of students between HICs and LICs and vice versa
  • Organise workshops and/or sessions at national/international conferences to exchange experience


Overview of Informal Work TC Activities

In line with its aims, some of the Informal Work TC activities include the following:

Monthly meetings to:

  • Exchange experience and plan workshops
  • Foster research collaborations


Informal Work TC membership

People with experience in this sector are most welcome to join but other interested people are also welcome. If you are interested in learning more and contributing to the Informal Work TC, please contact the chair ( or access the TC web page here:




Archive of previous IEA NewsBriefs:

More news from IEA:

IEA Press publications:

IEA YouTube channel (includes recorded IEA webinars):

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