IEA Newsbriefs (2024년 10월) > 공지사항

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No. 252

IEA Newsbriefs (2024년 10월)

페이지 정보

작성일2024-11-19 작성자작성자 : 최고관리자 조회조회 : 343





October 2024



October is Ergonomics month! In light of this, the Ergonomics and Human Factors community continues to advance HFE globally. This edition of the NewsBriefs includes an obituary for Professor Klaus Zink. The “Upcoming Events” section includes several HFE events taking place in the latter half of 2024. Newly announced events include the Informal Work Webinar, HFESA Annual Conference, ErgoWork2024 and two conferences taking place in December 2024. This edition also includes information about webinars taking place in November. In the Spotlight on IEA Technical Committees feature, we showcase the Building and Construction Technical Committee and the valuable work that they are doing to apply HFE to improve safety, reduce musculoskeletal disorders and the incidence of injuries and fatalities in the building and construction industry. Finally, there is an invitation to all who are members of IEA Federated and Affiliated Societies to get involved in IEA Technical Committees.  We appreciate the ongoing support and commitment of the global IEA community to share updates that will be of interest to our community. Please send all updates to





Informal work webinar: 31 October 2024: 15h00 UTC/ 12h00 Chile

This webinar from the IEA Technical Committee on Informal Work will focus on informal work in Latin America. Prominent experts from Bolivia, Argentina, and Chile will present case examples of informal work that are most representative of the region and will review the state of ergonomics in addressing informal work issues and future challenges in this area. Registration is free to all interested people, but it is necessary to register to attend. The webinar will be recorded and published on YouTube. Attendance permits live interaction with the presenters via Q&A.


Zoom link:


ErgoWork2024: 31st October – 1St November 2024, Bucharest, Romania

The International Biennial Congress (ErgoWork2024) is the 3rd International Conference of the Romanian Society on Ergonomics and Workplace management. ErgoWork2024 is taking place from the 31st of October to the 1st of November at the National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest, Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Robotics Splaiul Independentei 313, sector 6, 060042 Bucharest, Corp CD 003.

More information on the conference and registration process can be found here:


Webinar: Linking Practice and Science in Visual Ergonomics, Rescheduled to 15 November 2024, 08:00 UTC

The Visual Ergonomics IEA Technical Committee's Webinar series titled "Linking Practice and Science in Visual Ergonomics" has been rescheduled. The new date for the webinar is the 15th of November 2024, starting at 08:00 UTC. This series aims to showcase research and projects in visual ergonomics conducted by executive members of the IEA Visual Ergonomics Technical Committee. These members bring extensive experience in teaching and working in the field. Their presentations will establish links between practice and science, discuss the costs and benefits of ergonomic measures, and raise global awareness of visual ergonomics.

Registration link:


HFESA Annual Conference: Human-Centred Futures, Technology, Transformation and Tomorrow’s World: 25-27 November 2024

The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia is hosting their Annual National Conference in November 2024 at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre. Grab this unique opportunity to engage with world leaders, emerging scientists, innovators, students, and practitioners from a vast array of disciplines, and learn how to contribute to human-centred futures through technology and transformation. Its purpose is to create a vibrant environment that fosters lively debate on pivotal issues shaping our future, to gain insight from a broad range of expertise, and to inspire action as you leave invigorated, equipped with new knowledge and courage to contribute to a better future.


Registration for this event can be found here:


10th International Ergonomics Conference – Ergonomics 2024: 5-6th December 2024, Zagreb, Croatia

The Croatian Ergonomics Society (CrES), a federated IEA society, is organising its 10th International Ergonomics Conference which will take place 5-6th December, 2024. The CrES will be celebrating 50 years since its founding during the conference. The conference will bring together enthusiasts, experts and scientists in the field and hopes to have 80 participants from around the world. The last call for abstract submissions is approaching. Some important dates for abstract and full paper submissions are provided below.


Important Dates

Notification of Full Paper Acceptance: 1 November 2024

Conference Days: 5-6 December 2024


More information about the conference and registration process can be found here:


Humanizing Work and Work Environment (HWWE) Conference: 13-15 December 2024, Kolkata, India

The Indian Society of Ergonomics, a federated IEA society, is organising its annual Humanizing Work and Work Environment (HWWE 2024) which will be held from 13 to 15 December 2024 at the University of Calcutta in India. Under the theme: “Ergonomics for Everyone Future challenges in Health, Safety and Design” the conference will put together a comprehensive program that aims to shed light on how a future with optimal work environments that prioritize well-being and efficiency may be achieved.


More information about the conference and registration process can be found here:


Ergonomics and Human Factors 2025: Enhancing Human Performance: 28-30 April 2025

The Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors is organising a flagship conference for Ergonomics and Human Factors. Submissions for this event are now open! This event will take place at the prestigious St George’s Park, the home of England football, for a jam-packed event focused on ‘Enhancing Human Performance’ across sectors like healthcare, nuclear, rail, construction, sport and many more. Whether you’re passionate about innovation, improving safety, unlocking human potential or all three, this is your chance to learn, connect and collaborate. Book now for a transformative experience! Some important conference dates are provided here.


Important Dates

Submissions open: 1 October 2024

Submissions close: 1 December 2024

Notifications by: End of January 2025


Find out more at:

More information about submissions can be found here:


Event reminders

The list below contains previously advertised events that are taking place in November 2024. Please remember to register to attend. You can also view all the recorded sessions on the IEA YouTube channel:


·      HFES Practitioner’s Committee Webinar: The Mindset of Inquiry: Contextual Inquiry, Systems Thinking and Decision-Making in Complex Human Factor Events: 14 November 2024, 18h00 (SAST).

·      From the lab to construction sites: a five-year project to develop application guidelines for the implementation of arm support exoskeletons in construction: 21 November 2024, 16h00 to 17h00 (UTC):





Obituary University Professor Dr rer. pol. habil. Klaus J. Zink (published originally by the International Institute for Technology and Labour)

The Institute for Technology and Labour (ITA) mourns the loss of Klaus J. Zink, who founded the ITA in 1995 and served as its Scientific Director and Chairman of the Board for 25 years. He was Honorary Chairman of the ITA until his death. Under his leadership, the scientific focus of the institute was placed on the human-centred design of work, technology and organisations, which led to the implementation of core labour science topics in over one hundred application-oriented third-party funded projects with a large number of small, medium-sized and large companies.


In his research, Klaus J. Zink combined holistic quality management with the analysis, evaluation and design of work in the field of labour science. This gave innovative impetus to national and international labour research and its practical implementation. Another central concern of his was the ergonomic design of workplaces for people with disabilities. Early on, he integrated labour science research with the perspective of sustainable development and its integration into management theory and corporate practice. He was particularly interested in the development of labour science recommendations for international supply chains, for which he campaigned with great tenacity.


Klaus J. Zink was active in his field both nationally and internationally, and his achievements in labour research were duly recognised. What is often not recognised is his decades of commitment to ITA and its staff: He was a doctoral supervisor, mentor and boss who promoted countless careers of his employees. He always ensured that the findings of labour research were directly incorporated into the design of workplaces and the management of his own institute.


He was a person who cared about his employees, colleagues and the entire institute. We will miss Klaus J. Zink as a holistic personality. Our heartfelt thanks go to him and we wish him a peaceful rest. Where we are, you will always be.


Tribute from Prof. Ekkehart Frieling and Dr. Harald Weber on behalf of the GfA

The members of the Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft (GfA) mourn the passing of their former president and long-time member, Prof. Dr. Klaus Zink. Klaus completed his doctorate in 1975 and was awarded the GfA's Fritz Giese Prize for his work. From 1976 to 2020 he held various positions at the Universities of Karlsruhe, Wuppertal and Kaiserslautern. He was a member of the executive committee of the GfA for seven years and its president from 1997 to 1999. During this time, he was particularly involved in the collegial development of a new mission statement for the GfA and the drafting of a memorandum on the future of ergonomics.


In 2019, Klaus was awarded honorary membership of the GfA for his "outstanding achievements and services to ergonomics within the GfA". In a great honour, on 13 October 2022, the Minister President of Rhineland-Palatinate, Malu Dreyer, on behalf of the Federal President Walter Steinmeier, awarded him the Cross of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany for his extraordinary commitment to occupational research and the improvement of working conditions at national and international level. Klaus Zink's untimely and shocking death has left a huge gap in Germany and beyond. The GfA will miss the critical, humorous and benevolent teacher who pointed out the shortcomings of his colleagues without offending them and, where necessary, made suggestions for change.


Prof. Ekkehart Frieling and Dr. Harald Weber on behalf of the GfA


A tribute from Andrew S. Imada

IEA Past President (2009-2012)

In late September, the Institute for Technology and Work (ITA) in Kaiserslautern, Germany announced the passing of Klaus J. Zink, its founder and guiding spirit. At the same time, the Technical University of Kaiserslautern lost one of its long-time faculty, the German Human Factors Society (GfA) lost one of its leaders, the international Human Factors and Ergonomics professional community lost one its mightiest contributors, and many lost a dear friend. Klaus Zink’s accomplishments and accolades are already well documented elsewhere. The focus here is the person behind those many accomplishments.


Klaus Zink was, for me, the embodiment of our profession. He had the unique ability to simultaneously improve systems to be more productive, efficient, safe and sustainable AND improve the lives of people. His early training in Business Administration and his strong personal presence allowed him to be accepted by management. He gained their trust and attention sufficiently so they would act to implement Human Factors and Ergonomics approaches to improving systems. Numerous projects in large corporations, small and medium sized companies, government agencies and churches bear the mark of his efforts. His skills as a consultant were certainly impressive. What made him unique is that, at the same time, he had a real compassion for people – the workers, the customers, the users, and more importantly, the disadvantaged and overlooked. His successes allowed workers to have safer and better jobs, people with physical disabilities to have real work and access to leading edge technologies, students and colleagues to learn about the benefits of the HFE approach and receive their degrees, and leaders to realize the benefits of HFE in their organizations.


He was also a big thinker. His research/consulting projects not only improved systems and helped people, it also created interorganizational and university/enterprise networks to extend the work. Projects were seldom one-time interventions. They often spawned programmatic work that involved multiple organizations over time. This enabled the work to grow and improve, engaging more people and organizations.



“Giving your business the human factors edge… Making it Happen!” 

Correction: It was brought to our attention that the link to the new “Giving your business the human factors edge… Making it Happen!” was incorrect. The correct link to this document for line managers in industry is:


Communications and Public Relations (CPR) Committee

The new CPR Committee was formed after the Triennial Congress. This Committee is made up of members from various countries, including Martin Rodreguez (CPR Chair), Conrad Godoy (Co-chair and webinar programme coordinator), Barry Kirby (Social media coordinator), Maribel Grazon Mejia (ECR and outreach coordinator), Paulo Antonio Oliveira (Senior liaison with external stakeholders) and Abigail Du Plessis (IEA NewsBriefs editor). The CPR Standing Committee promotes awareness of the IEA and HFE on a global basis. It maintains internation with international partner organisations, disseminates IEA-related information, assists in developing and distributing IEA publications and coordinates donations of educational materials related to HFE and conducts any other relevant activities. During Ergonomics Month, we recognise the importance of the work done by the CPR Standing Committee to ensure that IEA knowledge is globally accessible. Please note that the link for the new Linked in page has been included below and please follow along for HFE news and updates.





After featuring the Informal Work TC in our previous issue, in this edition we turn our focus to the Building and Construction Technical Committee. The Building and Construction TC was established to create a global platform and network for HFE professionals to support the development of HFE in the building and construction sector. There are a variety of risks associated with the building and construction industry, including a high incidence of musculoskeletal disorders, injuries and fatalities, making it a crucial domain to for HFE specialists to work within to improve the safety, well-being and performance of these workers.


Importance of the Building and Construction TC

Building and construction is one of the areas that HFE experts, professionals and practitioners operate within to bring about systems-based approaches, methods and solutions to improve well-being, productivity and address musculoskeletal disorders the building and construction sector. Through the application of HFE concepts and principles, the HFE discipline has been contributing to the building and construction agenda in various ways. The work done by HFE professionals in the building and construction TC continues to reinforce the need to use systems-based approaches and to integrate multi-disciplinary perspectives to manage existing and emerging issues within building and construction industries.


The formation of the Building and Construction TC was based on the need advance safety, health, well-being and productivity through HFE within the building and construction sector. The objectives that were set out for the Building and Construction TC are as follows:

  • To simulate research and best practices in construction ergonomics
  • To stimulate the publication of scientific articles in the area of construction ergonomics
  • To support a network of experts, who work partly or completely for the construction industry in any of the subfields of ergonomics
  • To participate and/or organise collaborative events for researchers and practitioners in academia and industry to share recent results of projects, focussing on:

-Effectiveness of ergonomic measures

-Effectiveness of implementation strategies (e,g. knowledge dissemination, adoption of ergonomic measures, commitment of stakeholders loke architects, principals, main contractors).


Overview of Building and Construction TC Activities

In line with its objectives, some of the Building and Construction TC activities include the following:

  • Systematically reviewing the relevant literature to assess the effectiveness of interventions to prevent injuries within the building and construction sector
  • Publishing of scientific studies, particularly working on a special issue in the American Journal of Industrial Medicine
  • Participating in a discussion group on Yahoo for construction ergonomics (this group is open to everyone to join, send/post messages and start discussions).
  • Participating in presentations of research papers and discussions on several topics related to building and construction.





The IEA Technical Committees (TCs) are seeking to expand their membership and invite new members from federated societies. To facilitate this, we have created a sign-up form that provides an overview of the role of Technical Committees, including their four primary functions. By completing the form, you can express your interest in joining up to two TCs. Once submitted, TC administrators will review your submission and reach out for further details.

Sign-up form for Technical Committees:

Joining a TC is free and there are no qualifying criteria (just that you are a member of a federated society) to join and to participate. You can also join more than one TC if your interests are broader. A list of the TCs can be found on the IEA’s website: You are always welcome to reach out to TC chairs in addition.





If you, with at least 5 colleagues share a passion for a particular special interest area which does not exist as a Technical Committee (TC) and you wish to create a new TC, please contact for formalizing this. The process is easy and free!





Archive of previous IEA NewsBriefs:

More news from IEA:

IEA Press publications:

IEA YouTube channel (includes recorded IEA webinars):

IEA LinkedIn page:

IEA Facebook page:





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