IEA Newsbriefs (2024년 11월) > 공지사항

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No. 254

IEA Newsbriefs (2024년 11월)

페이지 정보

작성일2024-12-03 작성자작성자 : 최고관리자 조회조회 : 288





November 2024


As we reach the end of 2024, we would like to note the hard work and determination demonstrated by the HFE community and reflect on the successful events that took place in 2024, including the Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association. The ‘Announcements’ section includes a call for papers for a special issue of the International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics. This edition also includes information about webinars taking place in December. The “Upcoming Events” section includes several HFE events taking place in the remainder of 2024 and into 2025. In the Spotlight on IEA Technical Committees feature, we showcase the Ergonomics and Design for All Technical Committee and the valuable work that they are doing to apply HFE principles to design safe and inclusive products, environments and services. We appreciate the ongoing support and commitment of the global IEA community to share updates that will be of interest to our community. Please send all updates to




Tribute to Catherine Cailloux-Teiger: Gender and Work TC establishes award for the best student presentation in this track

The Gender & Work TC is honouring the memory of our esteemed colleague Catherine Cailloux-Teiger, who left us only a few days ago.


Catherine Cailloux-Teiger made an important impact on the ergonomics community through her significant contributions to the development of French tradition ergonomics, especially with her human-centered approach focusing on workers’ lived experiences—particularly those of women workers. She pioneered many innovative methodologies for risk analysis, OHS prevention, and improvement of working conditions. Her work has influenced health and safety policies across various sectors. Notably, she played a foundational role in bridging ergonomics with labor unions and in understanding and advocating for the working conditions of women. Catherine Cailloux-Teiger was a visionary in studying women’s working conditions at a time when these were often overlooked in ergonomics research. She demonstrated that women face specific risks often unaddressed in general health and safety standards, which tend to follow male-oriented norms. She also highlighted how women’s work—often seen as “natural” for women or undervalued for its repetitive and low-prestige nature—is demanding work that requires specific skills and significant effort. By bringing visibility to women’s contributions, she helped ensure greater recognition of women’s skills and the often-unseen efforts they make in the workplace. Her work has promoted an inclusive ergonomics that considers the experiences of all workers, and her accomplishments continue to inspire efforts to improve working conditions for women.


Catherine Cailloux-Teiger thus remains an essential figure for ergonomics, labor unions, and workers’ rights organizations, reminding us to keep humanity and equity at the forefront when designing work conditions.


In tribute to her remarkable and impactful career, the Gender & Work TC has established a new award for the best student presentation in this track in Catherine’s name. The most recent conference marked the inaugural presentation of this prize, awarded jointly to the following recipients:


• Myriam Bérubé, PhD candidate in Rehabilitation Sciences, Université de Montréal (Canada), for her presentation, “Addressing Occupational Health Disparities in a Dual-Training Program: An Intersectional Perspective on Teachers’ Discourse.”

• Carlos Ibarra, PhD candidate in Ergonomics, Universidad del Valle (Colombia), for his presentation, “Safety Culture in the Education Sector in Chile: Exploring Representations About Risk from an Ergonomics and Gender Perspective.”


The Catherine Cailloux-Teiger Award will preserve this tremendous legacy.


Tribute to Klaus Zink by Professor Juan Carlos Hiba

I am deeply saddened by the passing of Dr. Klaus Zink. We worked together when we planned and implemented key activities during 2019-2021 initiatives for the Technical Committee (ad hoc) on the Future of Work. I met Klaus personally a few years ago at the 2021 IEA Council meeting in Elsinor, Denmark. He has been an active contributor to the preparation of a series of activities we presented at the XXI IEA International Congress in Vancouver 2021. In that opportunity, he chaired and proposed a series of guiding questions for the ODAM Discussion session “HF/E global strategies and activities contributing to mold the future of work we want”. Klaus ideas and proposals were also instrumental, jointly with those from Dr. Harald Weber (ITA), in the design and analysis of the “Survey on main world of work trends and HF/E initiatives related to the future of work in IEA‘s Networks and Societies”.


Klaus's long scientific career both at ITA and IEA shows that he always had a broad view and perspectives of ergonomics’ role and its implications in the globalization of economies, for example and more recently, in the field of crowd work, outsourcing, and sustainable work systems. His deep thoughts and analyses on this relevant concept like the importance of sustainable work systems should be considered and studied as a key issue not only for those HF/E professionals interested in economic development, but mainly for those HF/E academics worried about social progress, particularly now under this new global trend of de-globalization. Klaus has left wise personal milestones on the history of contemporary ergonomics issues.


MSc Ergs, Prof., Mech. Eng. Juan Carlos Hiba

Applied Ergonomics Group

Scientific Adviser - Institute of Technology, Design and Innovation

National University of Rosario



Gender and Work TC special issue: call for contributions

The Gender and Work TC are planning to publish a special issue in the International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics following the IEA Congress. The Gender and Work TC welcomes manuscripts on the theme ‘ergonomics, gender and social sustainability. Authors who did not present their study in the Gender and Work track at the last conference are also welcome to submit. Submission formats include original research articles, literature reviews and case studies. Some important dates for this special issue are included below


Important Dates

Submission: January 31 2025

Review process: February – May 2025

Acceptance: July 2025

Final Manuscript: July 2025

Publication: Fall 2025


For more information please follow the link:


Event reminders

You can view all the recorded sessions of IEA webinars on the IEA YouTube channel (





Webinar series: fall prevention: 2 December 2024, 14h00 to 15h00

Join us for an engaging session as we showcase Canada Post's proactive strategy and latest advancements in reducing slip, trip, and fall injuries—their leading cause of workplace incidents. Discover how experiential learning is transforming safety training with the Slip Simulator™. This cutting-edge system gives delivery agents hands-on experience in mastering safe walking techniques on challenging surfaces, from curbs to icy slopes—while securely harnessed or observing peers. Studies from leading organizations, including a U.S. laboratory, Amazon, and the Minnesota Department of Transportation, reveal a remarkable 30-70% reduction in incidents among participants who completed similar training. The webinar will dive into insights from their successful 2022 pilot and explore the exciting rollout of their Slip SimulatorTM units at their two largest delivery agent schools. The webinar is titled ‘How do you walk safely? A look into using experimental learning to reduce slips, trips and falls’ will take place on the 2nd of December 2024 from 14h00 to 15h00 (UTC).


Informal Work Webinar series: 4 December 2024, 16h00

This IEA webinar, titled “Ergonomic Design, Development, and Research in the Informal Sector in Latin America,” is part of a series of webinars focused on analysing informal labour and its challenges. Organized by the IEA Informal Work Technical Committee in collaboration with the National University of Córdoba, the webinar will feature projects from universities across Latin America illustrating the integration of ergonomics principles and industrial design to address issues in informal work contexts within their respective regions. The objective of this webinar is to demonstrate how an interdisciplinary approach in ergonomics education and training can enhance the health and well-being of workers in informal employment, providing practical and sustainable solutions that positively impact their daily activities.


HFESA Annual Conference: Human-Centred Futures, Technology, Transformation and Tomorrow’s World: 25-27 November 2024

The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia is hosting their Annual National Conference in November 2024 at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre. Grab this unique opportunity to engage with world leaders, emerging scientists, innovators, students, and practitioners from a vast array of disciplines, and learn how to contribute to human-centred futures through technology and transformation. Its purpose is to create a vibrant environment that fosters lively debate on pivotal issues shaping our future, to gain insight from a broad range of expertise, and to inspire action as you leave invigorated, equipped with new knowledge and courage to contribute to a better future.


Registration for this event can be found here:


10th International Ergonomics Conference – Ergonomics 2024: 5-6th December 2024, Zagreb, Croatia

The Croatian Ergonomics Society (CrES), a federated IEA society, is organising its 10th International Ergonomics Conference which will take place 5-6th December, 2024. The CrES will be celebrating 50 years since its founding during the conference. The conference will bring together enthusiasts, experts and scientists in the field and hopes to have 80 participants from around the world. The last call for abstract submissions is approaching. Some important dates for abstract and full paper submissions are provided below.


Important Dates

Notification of Full Paper Acceptance: 1 November 2024

Conference Days: 5-6 December 2024


More information about the conference and registration process can be found here:


Humanizing Work and Work Environment (HWWE) Conference: 13-15 December 2024, Kolkata, India

The Indian Society of Ergonomics, a federated IEA society, is organising its annual Humanizing Work and Work Environment (HWWE 2024) which will be held from 13 to 15 December 2024 at the University of Calcutta in India. Under the theme: “Ergonomics for Everyone Future challenges in Health, Safety and Design” the conference will put together a comprehensive program that aims to shed light on how a future with optimal work environments that prioritize well-being and efficiency may be achieved.


More information about the conference and registration process can be found here:


Ergonomics and Human Factors 2025: Enhancing Human Performance: 28-30 April 2025

The Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors is organising a flagship conference for Ergonomics and Human Factors. Submissions for this event are now open! This event will take place at the prestigious St George’s Park, the home of England football, for a jam-packed event focused on ‘Enhancing Human Performance’ across sectors like healthcare, nuclear, rail, construction, sport and many more. Whether you’re passionate about innovation, improving safety, unlocking human potential or all three, this is your chance to learn, connect and collaborate. Book now for a transformative experience! Some important conference dates are provided here.


Important Dates

Submissions close: 1 December 2024

Notifications by: End of January 2025


Find out more at:

More information about submissions can be found here:


9th international Digital Human Modelling Symposium DHM 2025: 29-31 July 2025, Loughborough, United Kingdom

DHM2025 continues a successful history of symposia focused on digital approaches to modelling, understanding and exploiting human simulations for a wide variety of applications and industries. The symposium provides a friendly and accessible forum for researchers and practitioners to share their experiences, latest research, applications, case studies, and advancements in the field, as well as opportunities to form new networks and celebrate existing ones.


The Digital Human Modelling Symposium 2024 is organised and hosted by the School of Design and Creative Arts (SDCA) at Loughborough University in the UK, in association with the Technical Committee of Digital Human Modelling and Simulation of the International Ergonomics Association.

For more information, please visit the conference website:


Symposium of the Resilience Engineering Association an Annual Resilient Health Care Society: 20-24 October 2025, Canela, Brazil

This conference aims at advancing the knowledge of Resilience Engineering in complex sociotechnical systems such as healthcare, oil and gas, software engineering, and others. The theme will be Collaboration Across Boundaries for Adaptation in the Era of Climate Change. The conference will be held in the city of Canela, Brazil, from the 20th to the 24th of October 2025. Canela is a cozy town in the Guacho Highlands in the southernmost Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul and is a traditional venue to large and small conferences. Important dates for the conferences are included below.


Important Dates

Submissions open: January 15, 2025

Early bird registration opens: February, 2025

Submissions close: March 31, 2025

Outcome notifications to authors: May 15, 2025

Early bird registration closes: June 15, 2025


For more information, please visit the conference website:





After featuring the Building and Construction TC in our previous issue, in this edition we turn our focus to the Ergonomics and Design for All Technical Committee. The Ergonomics and Design for All TC was established to create a global platform and network for HFE professionals to contribute to the design process to improve inclusivity and accessibility within various systems. The TC serves the needs of practicing ergonomists who are concerned with user interaction of environments, products, services and shows the effectiveness of the application of ergonomics knowledge and ergonomic principles to design.


Importance of the Design for all TC

The Ergonomics and Design for All TC was established to improve the design and functioning of systems (products, services, environments that people interact with). Design for All is a transversal design approach that can be applied to communication systems, environments, public services and fast moving consumer goods, so that each environment/product can be used by as broad a range of population possible.


The formation of the Ergonomics and Design for All TC was based on the need to improve the accessibility and inclusivity of products, services and environments through a participatory approach that includes the final users and decision makers in the design process. The objectives that were set out for the Ergonomics and Design for All TC are as follows:

  • To promote ergonomics in the process of Design for All (Universal Design/Inclusive Design).

-  To improve and increase the ergonomics knowledge for application in Design for All

- To promote basic and applied ergonomic research as well as best ergonomic practice within the domain of Design for All.

  • To promote global collaboration among members and Organizers within the field of Design for All.

- To facilitate cross-disciplinary communication among professionals all over the world with an interest in Design for All.

- To improve the relationship between ergonomists and other actors involved in Design for eg. architects and engineers, product designers, interaction designers, marketers, stakeholders, real users, firms, etc.


Overview of Ergonomics and Design for all TC domains of interest

In line with its objectives, some of the Ergonomics and Design for All TC Domains of Interest include the following:

  • Ergonomic role and contribution for involvement of real users in the design process:

- Development of methods/methodologies for incorporation ergonomics in the design process

- Implementation of ergonomics knowledge

  • Ergonomic knowledge on human abilities and design goals:

- Human abilities: sensory, physical, cognitive, emotional

- Design goals: usability, accessibility, comfort, global and cultural user experiences, etc.

  • Application in all fields of design:

- Urban design, transportation, architecture, interior design, product design, graphic design, communication design, ICT, tools, devices, web, computing, signage, etc.




The IEA Technical Committees (TCs) are seeking to expand their membership and invite new members from federated societies. To facilitate this, we have created a sign-up form that provides an overview of the role of Technical Committees, including their four primary functions. By completing the form, you can express your interest in joining up to two TCs. Once submitted, TC administrators will review your submission and reach out for further details.

Sign-up form for Technical Committees:

Joining a TC is free and there are no qualifying criteria (just that you are a member of a federated society) to join and to participate. You can also join more than one TC if your interests are broader. A list of the TCs can be found on the IEA’s website: You are always welcome to reach out to TC chairs in addition.




If you, with at least 5 colleagues share a passion for a particular special interest area which does not exist as a Technical Committee (TC) and you wish to create a new TC, please contact for formalizing this. The process is easy and free!






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