The image above comes from the 50th Anniversary of the Croatian Ergonomics Society The names from left to right are: Andrew Thatcher, Eric Wang (ex-president, IEA), Henrijs Kalkis (Latvian Ergonomics Society), Zenija Roja (president of LES), Anca Draghici (president of ErgoWork), Jasna Leder Horina (president of CrES), Bernard Michez (president of FEES), and Kuo-Wei Chris SU (president of EST). As 2024 draws to a close, I would like to wish all those federated members who celebrate holidays at this time of year a very merry festive period. We look forward to 2025 and launching everything that we have been planning. IEA Fellow Award applications open – Deadline 30 April 2025 The call for nominations for the 2025 IEA Fellow Awards is currently open. The IEA Fellow Award is given to recognize extraordinary or sustained, superior accomplishments of an individual. To be considered for the IEA Fellow Award, the candidate must have been a Full Member in good standing of a Federated or Affiliated Ergonomics Society for at least the preceding 10 years, and the candidate must have served the ergonomics community at an international level. In addition, the candidate's distinction as a Human Factors/Ergonomics professional must be demonstrated. Please nominate deserving colleagues by 30 April 2025. Download the application form here. Gender and Work TC special issue: call for contributions The Gender and Work TC are planning to publish a special issue in the International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics following the IEA Congress. The Gender and Work TC welcomes manuscripts on the theme ‘ergonomics, gender and social sustainability. Authors who did not present their study in the Gender and Work track at the last conference are also welcome to submit. Submission formats include original research articles, literature reviews and case studies. Some important dates for this special issue are included below Important Dates Submission: 31 January 2025 Review process: February – May 2025 Acceptance: July 2025 Final Manuscript: July 2025 Publication: Fall 2025 For more information please follow the link: Event reminders At this time, there are two webinars planned for January, as advertised below in the upcoming events section. This is a chance to view past events via the IEA YouTube channel: ( UPCOMING EVENTS Systematic methods in complex and digitalized manufacturing: webinar series. 25 January 2025, 15h00 UTC This webinar is the first part of the Webinar Series: Systemic Methods in Complex and Digitalized Manufacturing, showcasing applied and analytical modeling research using FRAM and STAMP-STPA. The webinar is presented by members of the IEA Resilience Engineering Committee. The series focuses on applications in complex and digitalized manufacturing environments, including scenarios with complex manual work, digital gloves, smart glasses, and cobots. In particular, the intervention explores how methods like AcciMap and STAMP can enhance quality and safety strategies by considering the entire sociotechnical ecosystem. Drawing from a year-long project in an aerospace manufacturing facility, where the team engaged closely with multiple stakeholders at various organizational levels, we demonstrate the value of these methodologies in providing a comprehensive understanding of complex systems and identifying control failures. The discussion will encourage broader reflection on how applying these methods can support resilient and efficient practices in modern manufacturing environments. We emphasize their relevance in optimizing processes, reducing errors, and promoting continuous improvement through innovative approaches. Zoom Registration: Informal Work and Ergonomics: Experiences from Chile and Ecuador. 29 January 2025, 16h00 UTC This webinar organized by the IEA Informal Work TC in collaboration with the Universidad de Atacama and the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador will present an overview of the situation of informal work in Latin America with emphasis on Chile and Ecuador and then delve into specific case examples from both countries. The cases presented focus on the use of human factors and ergonomics methodologies and their utility to diagnose the situation and identify opportunities for transformation of work. The results of these experiences will be discussed to address aspects ranging from the logic of socio-technical reorganization and public policy to the adaptation of tools and design applications focused on precarious work Zoom Registration: Ergonomics and Human Factors 2025: Enhancing Human Performance: 28-30 April 2025 The Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors is organising a flagship conference for Ergonomics and Human Factors. Submissions for this event are now open! This event will take place at the prestigious St George’s Park, the home of England football, for a jam-packed event focused on ‘Enhancing Human Performance’ across sectors like healthcare, nuclear, rail, construction, sport and many more. Whether you’re passionate about innovation, improving safety, unlocking human potential or all three, this is your chance to learn, connect and collaborate. Book now for a transformative experience! Some important conference dates are provided here. Important Dates Submissions close: 1 December 2024 Notifications by: End of January 2025 Find out more at: More information about submissions can be found here: 9th international Digital Human Modelling Symposium DHM 2025: 29-31 July 2025, Loughborough, United Kingdom DHM2025 continues a successful history of symposia focused on digital approaches to modelling, understanding and exploiting human simulations for a wide variety of applications and industries. The symposium provides a friendly and accessible forum for researchers and practitioners to share their experiences, latest research, applications, case studies, and advancements in the field, as well as opportunities to form new networks and celebrate existing ones. The Digital Human Modelling Symposium 2024 is organised and hosted by the School of Design and Creative Arts (SDCA) at Loughborough University in the UK, in association with the Technical Committee of Digital Human Modelling and Simulation of the International Ergonomics Association. For more information, please visit the conference website: Symposium of the Resilience Engineering Association an Annual Resilient Health Care Society: 20-24 October 2025, Canela, Brazil This conference aims at advancing the knowledge of Resilience Engineering in complex sociotechnical systems such as healthcare, oil and gas, software engineering, and others. The theme will be Collaboration Across Boundaries for Adaptation in the Era of Climate Change. The conference will be held in the city of Canela, Brazil, from the 20th to the 24th of October 2025. Canela is a cozy town in the Guacho Highlands in the southernmost Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul and is a traditional venue to large and small conferences. Important dates for the conferences are included below. Important Dates Submissions open: 15 January, 2025 Early bird registration opens: February, 2025 Submissions close: 31 March, 2025 Outcome notifications to authors: 15 May, 2025 Early bird registration closes: 15 June, 2025 For more information, please visit the conference website: PUBLICATIONS FROM IEA2024 The following two announcements come from IEA2024 Publication chair Yongku Kong Progress on the IEA2024 Proceeding Book Series The IEA2024 conference exceeded expectations with significantly higher participation and paper submissions than initially anticipated. With 510 papers submitted, far surpassing our initial estimate, the IEA2024 publications team renegotiated our agreement with Springer to extend the proceeding series to Volume 7, to allow publishing all 510 papers in the proceeding book. Subsequently, Springer provided us with four official template files: the final PDF, final Word document, signed consent form, and third-party content declaration form. Authors were instructed to submit their finalized versions by November 30. As of December 10th, files for over 320 papers were received. Assuming the remaining 180 manuscripts and associated files are received by mid-December, the first phase of the proceeding book preparation will be complete Progress on the IEA2024 Special Issues Based on the finalized submissions included in the proceeding book, professors on the Publications Committee are overseeing the special issues. These members will carefully review the submitted papers to evaluate their suitability for the respective journals. Recommendations will then be forwarded to the corresponding special issue editors for consideration. Since the review process for the special issues is contingent upon the finalized proceeding book submissions, work on the special issues will commence in earnest from mid-January 2025. SPOTLIGHT ON IEA TECHNICAL COMMITTEES (TC) After featuring the Ergonomics and Design for All TC in our previous issue, in this edition we turn our focus to the Anthropometry Technical Committee. The Anthropometry TC was established to advance the understanding and sharing of anthropometric knowledge. The committee supports researchers by promoting the dissemination of methodologies that ensure comparability across anthropometric surveys and studies. Prioritizing standardized methods and best practices, the Anthropometry TC aims to ensure the repeatability and reproducibility of measurement protocols as well as the analysis and synthesis of anthropometric data. This enables the application of human body dimensions and morphological variability to the ergonomic design of products and environments, considering factors such as inclusivity, comfort, fit, performance, and safety. Importance of the Anthropometry TC The understanding of anthropometric measurements and measurement protocols is crucial to effectively design products and environments for improved safety, performance and well-being. The scope of the Anthropometry TC encompasses research and knowledge spanning from data acquisition to its application in ergonomic assessment and design. This includes: - Anthropometric measurement tools, including manual anthropometry and body scanning technologies, as well as comparisons between manual and digital methods
- Anthropometric measurements methodologies and protocols, considering factors such as errors, repeatability and reproducibility
- Anatomical models for defining body landmarks and measurements tailored to various applications
- 3D/4D data pre-processing techniques
- Multivariate analysis 1D and 3D data and synthesis for ergonomic applications
- Development of generative body shape models
- Application of anthropometry to product fit and sizing, including fit testing, evaluation and optimization
The goals of the Anthropometry TC for 2024/2027 are as follows: - Organize annual webinars on Anthropometry, guided by a comprehensive dissemination plan, to ensure diverse topics and global outreach
- Foster enhanced member engagement by establishing sub-committees focused on specialised areas, which will contribute to the development of webinars, training sessions, and other knowledge-sharing initiatives
- Develop an on-site workshop or training course aligned with the IEA2027 conference, incorporating practical and theoretical anthropometric applications to provide a holistic learning experience
TECHNICAL COMMITTEES (TCs): The IEA’s Technical Committees (TCs) are ad-hoc special interest groups that are formed as a platform to exchange up-to-date information on and discuss a particular HFE field. More information is available at: Inactive TCs If a TC becomes inactive or is without leadership, that TC will be removed from the website listing. There are currently 6 inactive TCs. • Aerospace • Ageing and Work • Agriculture • Ergonomics in Manufacturing • Mining • Work with Computing Systems If you would like to lead one of these TCs, please contact If no new leadership is designated, the content of these sections of the website will be removed as of 30 January, 2025. TC Creation Reminder: If you, with at least 5 colleagues, share a passion for a particular special interest area which does not exist as a Technical Committee (TC) and you wish to create a new TC, please contact stpchair@ for formalizing this. The process is easy and free! TECHNICAL COMMITTEES (TCs) SIGN UP SHEET The IEA Technical Committees (TCs) are seeking to expand their membership and invite new members from federated societies. To facilitate this, we have created a sign-up form that provides an overview of the role of Technical Committees, including their four primary functions. By completing the form, you can express your interest in joining up to two TCs. Once submitted, TC administrators will review your submission and reach out for further details. Sign-up form for Technical Committees: Joining a TC is free and there are no qualifying criteria (just that you are a member of a federated society) to join and to participate. You can also join more than one TC if your interests are broader. A list of the TCs can be found on the IEA’s website: You are always welcome to reach out to TC chairs in addition. |